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Rob Sears


Rocket scientist. Computer hacker. Geek before it was cool.

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Recent Posts

Getting a local-only RTSP feed with Wyze Cam V2 and IPTables

I finally got RTSP running on a Wyze Cam V2, and then whipped up some IPTables rules in my router to keep the video streams in the local network.
tagged linux

Become Ungovernable: Using Dropbox to Manage DNS

What's the German word for when you build a new thing without realizing that it's already a solved problem and you're just reinventing the wheel? Because I just discovered that I've been (ab)using Dropbox to implement DDNS, which is already a solved problem.
tagged linux

How I sped up Sunspot Solr on Rails by 350%

We get a lot of questions about performance tuning in Solr, and today I decided to put my answers to the test.
tagged solr ruby programming

Divorcing Gmail After 15 Years

I've had a Gmail account since the service launched back in 2004. Much has changed in that time, and sadly, we've grown apart. It was finally time to cut ties and move on to greener pastures. It turned out to be a lot easier than I'd thought.
tagged security privacy google

Does anyone salt their email address?

A while back while playing 'RegEx Golf' for email extraction, I found out that the '+' sign is a valid email address character. Not only that, but many mail systems (including Gmail) treat it as the start of a tag. So sending an email to [email protected] is treated as though the message was sent to [email protected]. Once I learned that, I had a brainstorm.
tagged security privacy